Trevor Bauer And Aubrey Huff Are Fighting on Twitter

data-mm-id=”_auas2ghmg”>Trevor Bauer and Aubrey Huff apparently don't like each other and got into a running fight on Twitter Tuesday morning. Frankly, I'm shocked the site hasn't melted down and gone offline as a result. On Monday, Bauer ripped both sides in the MLB's ongoing labor dispute in a Twitter thread. He finished it off with the following tweet:I have so much more I want to say about this whole thing but out of respect to my fellow players I’m going to continue holding my tongue. If any of you would like to talk about it please hit me up privately.— Trevor Bauer (@BauerOutage) June 22, 2020Frankly, the Cincinnati Reds righty made some good points in his thread. It was an unusually reasoned rant from a guy who often courts controversy. Huff — who is a stone-cold moron — apparently didn't like the fact that someone else was getting attention for a few minutes. Six hours after Bauer's tweets, Huff jumped in and took a shot at Bauer:Can we remind @BauerOutage of his career 4+ ERA, 3.5 BB per 9 innings, & 10 games over .500 winning % is a 4/5th starter salary in @mlb & maybe keep quiet before he’s exposed, please & thank you. He’s a great tweeter. #MLB pitcher? That’s debatable.— Aubrey Huff (@aubrey_huff) June 23, 2020And that started this running back-and-forth:Trying to tell someone not to tweet is…shall we call it, odd…coming from you Aubs. Here, have some more attention. I’ll forward some followers your way.— Trevor Bauer (@BauerOutage) June 23, 2020Attention is all you crave Trev. I never had social media when I played. I was a team player. I wasn’t trying to build an outside brand for fans to suck my dick. You’re a cuck. You have low T. I suggest you inject yourself with a bit of testosterone. @MLB #makebaseballgreatagain— Aubrey Huff (@aubrey_huff) June 23, 2020Oh no a random twitter account word vomited at me whatever shall I do. Apparently connecting with fans is a bad thing these days, who knew ??‍♂️ thanks for recognizing my brand building ability though Aubs. About the nicest thing I’ve ever seen you tweet ❤️— Trevor Bauer (@BauerOutage) June 23, 2020The fact you said in your 1st tweet, “I’ll forward some followers your way,” tells me everything I need to know about you @BauerOutage. You’d rather build a brand than win. That’s why I have 2 World Series rings & you jerk off to analytic spin rate geek fans like @keithlaw. @MLB— Aubrey Huff (@aubrey_huff) June 23, 2020I come with receipts. Fun fact, seems I was a better amateur than you were too ??‍♂️ how does it feel to be dunked on by someone who is…what did you call me…low t?— Trevor Bauer (@BauerOutage) June 23, 2020I’ll take these 2 rings over your .1% WAR advantage @BauerOutage ?. The fact you value an individual nerd stat over team wins is textbook participation trophy generation. @MLB— Aubrey Huff (@aubrey_huff) June 23, 2020Those are cute participation trophies you have there Aubs! Thanks for sharing! Proud of you little guy!— Trevor Bauer (@BauerOutage) June 23, 2020Hey sugar tits where you getting your nerd stats from? I had no idea what my career @mlb war was until you mentioned it. So I had to check it out. Maybe research before you tweet @BauerOutage.— Aubrey Huff (@aubrey_huff) June 23, 2020Welcome to the world of advanced stats. There’s a lot to learn. They can be confusing to the uninitiated. I can teach you if you ask nicely, princess! Or we can just stick to your .111 batting average in the post season on your way to earning your participation trophy.— Trevor Bauer (@BauerOutage) June 23, 2020That drone injury to your hand in the 2016 World Series must have played a big part in that 0-2 record & 5.40 ERA. I’m sure your @Indians teammates were thrilled with that cool hobby of yours @BauerOutage. The @Cubs players & fans thank you! #participationtrophy ?— Aubrey Huff (@aubrey_huff) June 23, 2020After that, Huff made two Twitter videos trying to prove he was a great hitter who never worried about advanced stats, and claiming "nerds" have infiltrated baseball. I'm not going to share them here because, frankly, our site is committed to maintaining a certain standard of quality. Huff's videos fall far below that threshold. I'll give Huff credit for one thing, he made Bauer look downright reasonable on social media for the first time I can remember.

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